Frequently Asked Questions-

Counseling Practicum and Internship

  • What populations will I work with?

    At Stephens Behavior Consulting, we support individuals, families, groups, and couples ranging from 2yrs+. Our practice has therapists with a range of skill sets and populations they support allowing access to work with a diverse range of people.

  • Will my internship be a paid experience?

    Unfortunately we are unable to provide a paid internship/practicum experience for students due to the populations served and offering pro bono or low cost therapy through access to students.

  • How many hours do I need to be on site?

    The number of days or hours per day spent on site observing sessions, completing professional development, or providing therapy will depend on the hours required for that semester by your program and CACREP. You will not be required to be onsite for more hours than is required by the program. This will allow you to have another job or complete school tasks as needed. The days onsite available will be based on current open office availability and the needs of those you are seeing.

  • What are some tasks that I may be responsible for??

    As part of your practicum/internship experience at Stephens Behavior Consulting, we strive to set you up with the skills to start as an LPCA upon graduation with confidence. You will be given the opportunity to carry a small caseload with supervision, do co therapy with a licensed clinician, observe other sessions with permission, write progress notes, complete intakes, develop treatment plans, coordinate with other clinicians and families, complete professional development opportunities, and participate in supervision.

  • Do you ever hire Interns upon graduation?

    Staying on with us upon graduation is a possible if we determine this is a mutual fit through the process of internship semesters and we have an open position when you graduate.

  • How do I get started?

    If you are interested in exploring a possible opportunity for internship or practicum with us, you may send your resume to so that we can schedule an interview and further discuss current availability.

  • Can you start in any of the 3 semesters?

    Our preference is to take students in their practicum semester as this allows the opportunity to dip your toes into the experience without the larger expectations of hours required by internship. This gives you time to get warmed up, observe sessions, participate as a co therapist, and build a small caseload. The next preference would go to someone in their Internship I. This is based on the number of direct hours required by your Internship I and II experience (300/semester) and the time it takes to build a caseload of ongoing clients and ensure you are able to get the hours required. If you are in Internship II you may still reach out and we will explore your individual needs to determine if we can meet the needs in your final semester.